Main » Information for specialists » Нормативтік-құқықтық кітапхана
Clinical library
- Cancer of the esophagus and stomach, clinical guide
- KP NSAIDs-gastropathy
- Methodological recommendations on equipment and provision of endoscopic examinations (First edition)
- Endoscopy of the operated colon
- KP Ulcerative colitis
- NYAK, clinical guide
- Lecture: endoscopic diagnosis of hiatal hernias T.K.Dubinskaya
- CP cicatricial strictures of the esophagus
- KP Esophageal Cancer
- CP Lung Transplantation
- KP Lung Cancer
- KP Pancreatic cancer
- KP Stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer without bleeding and perforation
- KP Celiac disease in adults
- KP Cholangitis in adults
- CP Tracheal Stenosis
- CP ZNO of the rectum
- KP Chronic calculous cholecystitis
- KP Chronic gastritis
- KP ZNO oropharynx
- KP ZNO nasopharynx
- CP Mechanical jaundice
- KP megacolon, dolichocolon
- KP Laryngeal stenosis
- KP Crohn's Disease
- KP ZNO foreign body of the esophagus
- KP ZNO laryngopharynx
- KP ZNO larynx
- CP Transplantation of the cardiopulmonary complex
- CP Acute pancreatitis
- KP Diverticulum of the esophagus in adults 2016
- KP Pulmonary tuberculosis in resistant adults
- CP Tuberculosis of the respiratory organs in adults
- KP Chronic viral hepatitis C in adults
- KP Chronic viral hepatitis B in adults
- CP Cirrhosis of the liver in adults
- КП Полип голосовой связки и гортани
- KP GERD 2017
- CP Gastroduodenal bleeding
- CP Gastroduodenal stenosis
- KP Gastritis and duodenitis
- CP Bleeding from the VRVP
- CP Liver Transplantation
- KP foreign body of the esophagus in children
- KP Celiac disease in children
- KP Pulmonary tuberculosis in resistant children
- CP Tuberculosis of the respiratory organs in children
- KP Chronic viral hepatitis C in children
- KP Chronic viral hepatitis B in children
- KP Ulcerative colitis in children
- CP Laryngeal stenosis in children
- KP Crohn's disease in children
- CP Liver transplantation in children
- CP Achalasia of the cardia
- KP ZNO of the oral cavity
- CP Perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer
- KP Stomach cancer
- KP Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer
- Management of patients with colorectal cancer
- CP EMR in dysplasia and early forms of gastrointestinal cancer
- GERD clinical guidelines
- CP GERD in children
- КП Ахалазия у детей
- Clinical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Hoon Jai Chun, Suk-Kyun Yang, Myung-Gyu Choi -Springer Singapore (2018)
Legal library
An application for navigating the bronchi
This application is designed to study the normal architectonics of the bronchopulmonary system and endobronchial navigation
Technical documentation
- In-depth study of endoscopy (Fujifilm capabilities)
- Endoscopy Manual. From examination to treatment (Fujifilm)
- OER-AW automatic reprocessors and means for processing Acecide endoscopes based on peracetic acid
- Evis Exera III Endoscope Cleaning Guide
- Guide to working with Evis Exera III endoscope channels
- Recommendations for the Evis Exera III leakproofness test
- Evis Exera III Video Bronchoscope Cleaning Guide
- EDC Endoscope Storage Cabinet