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The 1st short-term course on EUS in the modern history of endoscopy in Kazakhstan!!!
13-17 қаңтар аралығында қазақстандық сарапшының қатысуымен Қазақстанда ЭндоУЗИ бойынша 1-ші практикалық семинар өтті. Қарағандыда Қазақстандағы “Olympus” өкілдігінің қолдауымен No3 көпсалалы

Registration for membership of the Kazakh Endoscopy Society
Dear colleagues, To join the Kazakh Endoscopy Society, you must pay a membership fee of 10,000 tenge per calendar year. Payment can be made using the following details:

On July 15-16, 2024, the Second Congress of the Central Asian Forum “Tien Shan” was held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
On July 15-16, 2024, the 2nd Congress of the Central Asian Tien Shan Forum was held in Bishkek, dedicated to diagnostic and operative endoscopy with the support of the Association of Endoscopic Surgeons of Kyrgyzstan.
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