Forum topic: Problematic issues and prospects for the development of endoscopy in Central Asia.
Participants: endoscopists, gastroenterologists, surgeons, oncologists.
Organizers: NGO "Kazakh Endoscopic Society" and LLP "National Scientific Oncological Center".
Venue: Astana, Duman Hotel, Korgalzhyn Highway 2a, National Cancer Research Center — st.Kerey-Zhanibek khandar 3.
Sponsors — 13 companies, representatives of manufacturers of endoscopic equipment and instruments, as well as disinfecting solutions and preparations for the preparation of the intestine.
The exhibition was organized in the lobby of the Duman Hotel on an area of 528 m^2.
The 1st day was in a lecture format and dedicated to reports – speakers were from 10 countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Mongolia, Russia, Turkey, South Korea, and Japan)
Participants: Day 1 face-to-face participation - 160 participants, online connection of 370 participants from Saudi Arabia to Japan.
The 2nd day was operational, real-time operations were broadcasted by zoom to the conference hall and via an online resource, 82 participants attended in person, 27 online connections.
9 operations were performed, all patients were hospitalized through the portal, administrative quotas were not used. 2 patients were hospitalized in the center of hepatobiliary surgery for retrograde pancreatocholangiography with papilosphincterotomy, 7 patients were hospitalized in the center of multidisciplinary surgery (2 patients with achalasia of the cardia underwent peroral endoscopic myotomy, 1 patient with Zenker's diverticulum underwent diverticulotomy, 1 patient with submucosal formation of the stomach underwent endoscopic dissection, 1 patient with rectal adenoma underwent endoscopic dissection in the submucosal layer, 1 patient with a duplication cyst of the esophagus underwent endoscopic dissection and 1 obese patient underwent the 1st endoscopic gastroplasty in Kazakhstan). All patients were discharged in a satisfactory condition, the postoperative period is without peculiarities.