Developing the comprehensive development and multi-vector cooperation of the Kazakh Endoscopic Society, a master class was held on July 14-15 at the endoscopic center of the multidisciplinary clinic No. 3 of Karaganda with the participation of Professor Fatih Aslan (Koçuniversitesi Hastanesi, Istanbul,Turkey), as well as Dr. Farid Guliyev (National Oncology Hospital, Baku, Azerbaijan).
- The topic of the master class is Advanced endoscopy techniques.
- The format of participation is hybrid, 19 participants are endoscopists of Kazakhstan. Online zoom - 28 participants from the regions of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan.
- Broadcast from the operating room, 8 operations were performed on patients with pathology of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract. A patient with achalasia of the cardia underwent POEM, a patient with Cenker's diverticulum underwent oral endoscopic diverticulotomy by tunnel method, a patient with rectal LST underwent dissection in the submucosal layer, patients with submucosal formations of the esophagus and stomach underwent dissections in the submucosal layer by tunnel method. A patient with a submucosal formation of the stomach (leiomyoma) underwent a full-wall endoscopic resection using Overstitch Apollo for the 2nd time in Kazakhstan.
Кардия ахалазиясы бар пациентке поэма, ценкер дивертикуласы бар пациентке туннель әдісімен ауызша эндоскопиялық дивертикулотомия, тік ішектің ЛСТ бар пациентке субмукозальды қабатта диссекция, өңеш пен асқазанның субмукозальды түзілімдері бар емделушілерге туннель әдісімен субмукозальды қабатта диссекция жүргізілді. Асқазанның шырышты қабығының (лейомиома) түзілуі бар пациентке Қазақстанда 2-ші рет overstitch Apollo көмегімен қуыс эндоскопиялық резекция жүргізілді. - All patients without complications in the postoperative period were discharged with recovery under dispensary supervision at the place of residence. All patients from the regions (Kostanay, Pavlodar, Karaganda) were hospitalized through the portal according to the GMP package.
- The general sponsor of the master class is the Olympus representative office in Kazakhstan. The equipment used during the master class is an EVIS X1 video processor with a 4K monitor, 1100 and 1500 series video endoscopes, an Olympus ESG300 electrocoagulator.
- An additional sponsor is Takeda LLP Kazakhstan.
I would like to express my great gratitude to Dr. Fatih Aslan for the excellent demonstration of performing endoscopic operations and for the expert lecture material provided!!! We are also grateful to Dr. Farid Guliyev for the brotherly attitude and comprehensive support in organizing and conducting the master class! We are also very grateful to the sponsor - the Olympus representative office for the technical support and equipment provided for such a significant event! Also, a big heartfelt thank you to the doctors of the endoscopic center of the Multidisciplinary Clinic No. 3 of Karaganda in the person of Indir Khamitov for the excellent preparation and conduct of the master class!!! And of course, to all participants of the master class, a sincere thank you for your interest and support!